Contracts and Costs


There are 2 types of contracts available:

Term time only-

You will be required to pay a retainer fee of £6.00 a week during holiday periods to retain your place, including the summer holidays. Anytime missed due to sickness and holidays must be paid for.

Full time-

Two weeks holiday time will be given, the first week at no charge and the second week at half price. However, we do ask for two weeks notice where possible. Any additional holidays must be paid in full, including any time missed due to sickness.

Government Funding-

Current: 15/30 hours for 3 & 4 year olds.

April 2024- 15 Hours for eligible 2 Year Olds

September 2024- 15 hours for eligible 9 month olds +

Children who meet the criteria will be eligible the term after their birthdays. More information can be found on Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK

All eligible children will be able to claim 15 or 30 hours term time or 11/22 hours all year round.

Children who go over their funding will be charged the hourly rate dependent on their age.

What will it cost?

Daily rate - £48.00

3 months - 2 years - £5.70 per hour including meals

2 years - 3 years - £5.45 per hour including meals

3 + years -£5.30 per hour including meals

For children who are soley funded there will be a charge for meals. This will be £3.00 for lunch, £2.00 for tea or £4.00 for lunch and tea.

Tax-Free Childcare-

We accept Tax-Free childcare payments. To find out if you are eligible please follow the link below where you could save up to 20% on Nursery fees.

10% Discount is given for the eldest child where 2 or more siblings are attending.

We accept Busy Bees, Computershare, Care4, Sodexo and Eden Red vouchers. We are also willing to consider other vouchers on request.